Thursday, October 8, 2009


A Tale of Two Brothers

By himself, Eli Manning seems to be a well put together individual. Starting QB for the NY Giants.. sexy.. and of course his big Superbowl win in 2008. But on the inside, Eli is a very disturbed guy who carries a chip on his shoulder. It is said he is on several medications to help him cope with his serious condition, which keeps him in check for most of his games.. most.. that is, until he is forced to come face to face with his big brother, whom Eli blames for his deteriorating psyche. Eli suffers from, you heard it folks, Siblingous Rivalrarious.

This condition stems from intense jealousy towards the great Peyton Manning, starting from Eli's toddler years. It began innocently enough.. a noogie here, an innocent name calling there.. but with each insult Eli became more insecure. Eli tried his darndest to beat his bigger, way cooler brother, but to no avail. Peyton was just so.. AWESOME!

The torment continued throughout the boys' childhood, and Eli continued to try to do anything to prove he was better that Peyton. But with every failure, Eli was ridiculed and laughed at by his own brother and father. Once it was made obvious Eli would never win over the heart of his beloved father, he decided to try to please his mother by doing housework, cooking, and even wearing her pretty heels around the house. But much to Eli's dismay, this did not work either.. as mother was extremely against the gay community.

The boys eventually moved on, Peyton gaining entrance into prestigious NFL
and Eli seeking medical help for much of his teenage years. It is said that one of
Eli's doctors bribed the NFL to allow poor little Eli to play in the NFL too, as a
sort of "therapy". However, nothing can prepare Eli for facing his super-human brother.

"Boo hoo hoo, baby brother. You're gonna loooose! Wah!!"

Chances are, Eli will once again be leaving the field defeated, in tears, possibly
even sobbing uncontrollably, at the hands of his highly talented brother, Peyton.


  1. hello ppl.. where are your smack talking posts? my kooky articles are getting lonely. hehe. good luck this week Yessie! :)

  2. ahahaha..this is awesome. I'll try and make one soon. I beens the busy with the crafting.

  3. wow. I'm going to have to make one now. Who am I playing? I think I'm playing you Jamie. hmmmmm.

    Ashley, you should make a regular blog so that we can stalk you and know what you're doing.

  4. hahahahhahahahahahhaha! This is what I think every week when I watch them play! Manning-face is classic! Perfected in the play-pen!
